About InstaCode
Have all the knowledge you need at your fingertips
No-one else offers greater access to the information that lies at the very core of your business. It's independently run, so there's no bias toward any manufacturer, and it includes details and guides on every aspect of what you do.
You'll always be first through the door
InstaCode Live is designed to keep pace with the rapidly evolving and increasingly sophisticated technology used in our industry.
By providing data through an online software program, you can have 24-hour access to the most up-to-date information available.
With new codes and data being researched, verified and added every day, you can be sure InstaCode Live will always be the most comprehensive, up-to-date pool of knowledge available.
So, while your competitors are scrambling to find the latest updates, you can be confident you'll always have the tools to help your customers, with whatever future service they need.
In a mobile world, access is key
By moving to an online service, we've also made InstaCode Live even more convenient. You can access the information 24 hours a day, wherever you've got an Internet connection. You have the flexibility to operate the program on either a desktop computer or laptop, a tablet or even your smartphone.
Your toughest decision will be deciding which single device you choose to permanently run the program on or make it easy and purchase a registration for each of your devices.
Unlimited access to the doors you want to open
InstaCode Live's tailored annual subscription fee has been carefully priced to be affordable for all types of general and automotive locksmith businesses. You can choose a package according to what you need, so you're not subscribing to features that aren't relevant to you. And you'll be able to use that information as often as
you want, because your subscription gives you unlimited access without the worry of extra fees.
You'll never have to invest in another upgrade either, because we'll constantly update and improve the software.
Access has never been so easy
InstaCode Live is designed for an increasingly complex world, but we've made sure it's still simple for you to use it.
You'll be guided through each step with easy instructions and online tutorials, and quick links to the InstaCode mobile apps. The user-friendly interface will then help you find the information you need quickly and efficiently.
There are also lots of ways to search, using any combination of code, manufacturer, vehicle make, model and year, card number, key blank reference and key type.
We'll be on hand to help with any questions too, and send you tips on how to get the most out of InstaCode Live, now and in the future.
Transponder, Remotes & Diagnostic
InstaCode contains a huge amount of useful information about the immobilizer systems of vehicles. Collected by actual locksmiths, InstaCode's Transponder information has several different types of information;
General system overviews - this can include anything from a generalized description of how the system works (great for fault finding) to the location of the immobiliser ECU.
Transponder Parts - this is a list of known parts from various aftermarket manufacturers (and OEM) that can be used with a vehicle.
Diagnostic Information - this is information that is useful when connecting to the vehicle with a diagnostic device; Information such as the OBDII connector location or which dongle to use with you MVP; and on-board Procedures - this can include the steps to program addition keys, erase keys or even reset the immobiliser system after it has been "locked".
Find Bitting and Wafer Swapper
The Find Bitting feature is the locksmith's silver bullet! Often referred to as the "Fill" feature, InstaCode will search through an entire code series for the matching codes when given any number of the known cuts! This is a "must have" for any locksmith who makes keys to vehicles. The feature enables the creation of keys to operate all the locks on a vehicle without the need to disassemble every lock!
An advanced feature of this allows for the searching of "one up also" depths; searching for two possible depths in a position. This is perfect for use with lock readers/decoders.
Even when multiple keys can operate the known cut, the Find Bitting feature will generate a "Cutting Tree". The "Cutting Tree" is a list of the possibly correct keys, sorted into an order that minimizes the number of key blanks that need to be used to cut and treat every possible key combination.
Who has ever needed to rekey a lock? Almost every locksmith! But how many rekey the lock to a new code that is valid? With the Wafer Swapper feature, a new code can be calculated for you that will use all the parts that are already in use; with no need for additional parts from pinning kits or wafer kits. And you can be certain that the original key will not work!
Car Openings
InstaCode's vehicle opening information is vast. Written by actual locksmiths, it provides useful tips and ideas that are applicable to the vehicle in front of you. Whether it is a simple as pulling the inside handle,
spiking the green wire or simply so difficult that you need specialist tools, InstaCode will point you in the correct direction. It's like having access to decades worth of locksmith experience on your phone!
No-one else offers greater access to the information that lies at the very core of your business. It's independently run, so there's no bias toward any manufacturer, and it includes details and guides on every aspect of what you do.
- Cross-referencing for 132+ key blank manufacturers
- 8000+ key code series
- 3 billion + key codes
- Support for the widest range of key cutting machines
- Searches for bittings across a range of code series
- Images of key blanks and keyways
- Instructional guides for transponders
- Guides for opening vehicles and disabling airbags
You'll always be first through the door
InstaCode Live is designed to keep pace with the rapidly evolving and increasingly sophisticated technology used in our industry.
By providing data through an online software program, you can have 24-hour access to the most up-to-date information available.
With new codes and data being researched, verified and added every day, you can be sure InstaCode Live will always be the most comprehensive, up-to-date pool of knowledge available.
So, while your competitors are scrambling to find the latest updates, you can be confident you'll always have the tools to help your customers, with whatever future service they need.
In a mobile world, access is key
By moving to an online service, we've also made InstaCode Live even more convenient. You can access the information 24 hours a day, wherever you've got an Internet connection. You have the flexibility to operate the program on either a desktop computer or laptop, a tablet or even your smartphone.
Your toughest decision will be deciding which single device you choose to permanently run the program on or make it easy and purchase a registration for each of your devices.
Unlimited access to the doors you want to open
InstaCode Live's tailored annual subscription fee has been carefully priced to be affordable for all types of general and automotive locksmith businesses. You can choose a package according to what you need, so you're not subscribing to features that aren't relevant to you. And you'll be able to use that information as often as
you want, because your subscription gives you unlimited access without the worry of extra fees.
You'll never have to invest in another upgrade either, because we'll constantly update and improve the software.
Access has never been so easy
InstaCode Live is designed for an increasingly complex world, but we've made sure it's still simple for you to use it.
You'll be guided through each step with easy instructions and online tutorials, and quick links to the InstaCode mobile apps. The user-friendly interface will then help you find the information you need quickly and efficiently.
There are also lots of ways to search, using any combination of code, manufacturer, vehicle make, model and year, card number, key blank reference and key type.
We'll be on hand to help with any questions too, and send you tips on how to get the most out of InstaCode Live, now and in the future.
Transponder, Remotes & Diagnostic
InstaCode contains a huge amount of useful information about the immobilizer systems of vehicles. Collected by actual locksmiths, InstaCode's Transponder information has several different types of information;
General system overviews - this can include anything from a generalized description of how the system works (great for fault finding) to the location of the immobiliser ECU.
Transponder Parts - this is a list of known parts from various aftermarket manufacturers (and OEM) that can be used with a vehicle.
Diagnostic Information - this is information that is useful when connecting to the vehicle with a diagnostic device; Information such as the OBDII connector location or which dongle to use with you MVP; and on-board Procedures - this can include the steps to program addition keys, erase keys or even reset the immobiliser system after it has been "locked".
Find Bitting and Wafer Swapper
The Find Bitting feature is the locksmith's silver bullet! Often referred to as the "Fill" feature, InstaCode will search through an entire code series for the matching codes when given any number of the known cuts! This is a "must have" for any locksmith who makes keys to vehicles. The feature enables the creation of keys to operate all the locks on a vehicle without the need to disassemble every lock!
An advanced feature of this allows for the searching of "one up also" depths; searching for two possible depths in a position. This is perfect for use with lock readers/decoders.
Even when multiple keys can operate the known cut, the Find Bitting feature will generate a "Cutting Tree". The "Cutting Tree" is a list of the possibly correct keys, sorted into an order that minimizes the number of key blanks that need to be used to cut and treat every possible key combination.
Who has ever needed to rekey a lock? Almost every locksmith! But how many rekey the lock to a new code that is valid? With the Wafer Swapper feature, a new code can be calculated for you that will use all the parts that are already in use; with no need for additional parts from pinning kits or wafer kits. And you can be certain that the original key will not work!
Car Openings
InstaCode's vehicle opening information is vast. Written by actual locksmiths, it provides useful tips and ideas that are applicable to the vehicle in front of you. Whether it is a simple as pulling the inside handle,
spiking the green wire or simply so difficult that you need specialist tools, InstaCode will point you in the correct direction. It's like having access to decades worth of locksmith experience on your phone!